A fashion guru at any age

A fashion guru at any age

  A love of fashion can be present at any age and can manifest itself in different ways, from childhood fascination with colorful clothes to sophisticated style in adulthood. Here's a look at how a love of fashion can develop and how it can be fostered at different stages of life.

 Originality in fashion is about self-expression, experimentation and fearlessness. Find your personal style, combine different elements, invest in quality pieces and don't be afraid to try new things. Be inspired, but also customize your fashion to reflect your unique personality.

  Children are drawn to bright colors and fun patterns. Clothing with favorite characters from fairy tales or cartoons can be very popular. Costumes and disguises allow children to play different roles and develop their imagination. Playing with princesses, superheroes or animals is common. I, like many parents, prefer monochromatic clothes that can be combined with wilder clothes that find their way to you either as a gift or by choosing a child for example. Even at an early age, children often like to choose own clothes and combine different pieces to express their personality. This is followed by an explosion of colors in the form of well-known characters from fairy tales and special effects such as sequins or printed inscriptions. Everything is allowed in fashion, however, over time our preferences change and therefore we are not afraid of our children's creations and let's treat them to sequins, bows AND Donald Ducks.

For me, one simple rule should be followed and that is, if you have flashy pants, calm them down with monochromatic t-shirts, otherwise the child will very quickly resemble a Disney billboard. Less is more and, just as it applies to adults and children, it is sometimes more appropriate to choose more universal tones.

 In the period of adolescence and now we reach teenagers, it is a natural dose of experimentation mixing different styles, breaking down gender boundaries or tasting colors and patterns. The search for personal style and identity is reflected in everyday life. Social networks, media idols can also have a great influence on their choice of clothing. Fashion can play a key role in building self-confidence and identity. Choosing clothes is often a way to present yourself to the world and to cope with social pressures.

 Around the age of 20, we begin to find and define our own style, fashion becomes a means of personal presentation. The choice of clothing can be influenced by professional needs. Dressing for work or formal occasions requires a specific style and elegance.

 With increasing age and experience, people often focus on the quality of clothing rather than quantity, preferring durable and timeless pieces. The balance between comfort and style catches up with us after 30 years of life, when we start to focus more on comfort than on aesthetic appearance. People are more they focus on materials and cuts that suit them.

 The style can be elegant and sophisticated, with an emphasis on classic and timeless pieces. At this age, many people already know what suits them well and are not afraid to wear what makes them happy.

 The older generation often prefers classic styles and comfortable clothes that are practical and easy to wear. Fashion can have a nostalgic element, with older people returning to styles from their youth or preferring vintage pieces. Style can reflect life experiences and philosophy, while fashion becomes a means of expressing values ​​and attitudes.

  So how to promote a love of fashion at any age?

 Encourage individuals to express themselves through fashion, whatever their age. Teach children and young people about fashion, materials and sustainable practices. Help seniors find new trends and styles that might suit them.

 Be inspired by fashion icons and trends, but also encourage the discovery of personal style.

  Fashion is a great way to express your personality and feel good at any age. Promote a love of fashion by encouraging creativity, self-expression and the joy of dressing up regardless of age.

 Being original in fashion means creating and wearing outfits that express your personality and set you apart from others. Here are some tips to be original and stylish:

  • Know yourself

Identify your personal style that best describes you. It can be boho, minimalist, vintage, avant-garde or sporty. Use fashion as a tool to express your personality, mood and life values.

  • Experiment with different styles

Combine different styles and eras. For example, vintage pieces with modern accessories or elegant elements with casual clothes. Don't be afraid to experiment with unusual combinations of colors and patterns. Create contrasts and try new combinations.

  • Invest in key pieces

Invest in quality basics such as well-fitting jeans, a white shirt, a black jacket or classic shoes. Accessorize your basics with statement accessories such as jewellery, scarves, hats or bags to create a unique look.

  • Shop from a variety of sources

Here you will find unique pieces that are not normally available. Vintage clothing can add uniqueness and authenticity to your style.Support smaller, independent designers and brands that offer original and limited collections.

  • DIY and personalization

Customize your clothes according to your own taste. Add embroidery, sew appliqués or modify older pieces. If you have sewing skills, try designing and sewing your own clothes.

  • Get inspired, but don't copy

Follow fashion influencers, bloggers and designers, but adapt their ideas to your own style.You can also look for inspiration in art, architecture, music or travel.

  • Emphasis on details

Details such as unconventional buttons, special cuts or original prints can greatly enhance your style. The way you wear your clothes can be the key to originality. For example, a shirt tucked in only on one side, a tied scarf or layering different pieces.

 Wear clothes that make you feel good and confident. Your posture and behavior significantly influence how your style is perceived by others. Don't be afraid to stand out from the crowd and be different. Be confident in your choice and don't be afraid to show your uniqueness.

  Originality in fashion is about self-expression, experimentation and fearlessness. Find your personal style, combine different elements, invest in quality pieces and don't be afraid to try new things. Be inspired, but also customize your fashion to reflect your unique personality.

Your Team Lele sisters